(San Bernardino, Calif.) The Inland Empire‚s Leonard Robinson is Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s appointed Chief Deputy Director for the California Department of Toxic Substance Control.
On Friday, Sept. 14 Robinson will be the keynote speaker for the Southern California Auto Dismantlers Association (SCADA) Convention, held this year at the Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco.
"There’s a voluntary partnership among these companies," he says, "Companies that are willing to protect our environment. For example, automobiles contain mercury switches to control various automobile functions.”
“Mercury is toxic to the environment. These businesses voluntarily go through the effort of removing these switches and recycle them for later safer use." Reduction of toxic waste is an element in Gov. Schwarzenegger's environmental action plan.
As the state’s leader in toxic substance control, Robinson is the perfect choice as the convention’s 2007 keynoter.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Posted by
Carl M. Dameron
10:59 PM