Department of General Services
Procurement Division
707 Third Street, Second Floor, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Broadcast Date: July 21, 2011
TO:Purchasing Authority Contacts (PACs)
RE: Mandatory Statewide Contract for Maintenance Repair, and Operating (MRO) Supplies Contract Expiring July 31, 2011
This Broadcast reminds departments that the followingMandatory Statewide MRO Supplies Contracts will expire on July 31, 2011:
A competitive solicitation to establish new statewide contracts for MRO supplies is currently under way. Until a new contract is awarded for MRO supplies, departments may use their approved non-IT purchasing authority to continue purchasing MRO supplies. Departments are encouraged to use one of the following procurement approaches for purchasing MRO supplies:
For more information on how to use these procurementapproaches, please use the following link to the State Contracting Manual, Volume II.
If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact:
Christina Nunez
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