Monday, September 20, 2010

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Dameron Communications, one of the Inland Empire's most well-known public relations firms

Carl Dameron tells non-profit organization how Dameron Communications gets the word out. First listen to the cleint, then tell his story well. (Photo by Chris Sloan)

Today newspapers all over the state of California called “. . . Dameron Communications, one of the Inland Empire's most well-known public relations firms, . . .”

They include:

  1. San Jose Mercury News California San Jose 
  2. The Sun California San Bernardino
  3. Inland Valley Daily Bulletin California Ontario 
  4. Redlands Daily Facts California Redlands 
  5. Pasadena Star-News California Pasadena 
  6. San Gabriel Valley Tribune California West Covina 
  7. Whittier Daily News California Whittier
  8. Contra Costa Times California Walnut Creek 
Link to the story:

Rialto uses PR firm to promote city's vision
San Jose Mercury News: That's the message it sent through San Bernardino-based Dameron Communications, one of the Inland Empire's most well-known public relations firms, ...